Monday, August 16, 2010

Mosque vs. Temple

An open letter to Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf

In case you don’t know, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is the leading figure behind the Cordoba House (the "Ground Zero mosque"), now renamed to the Park51. (Cordoba, in reference to the Spanish city of Córdoba, a Christian city which was conquered by the Moors and became a Muslim caliphate.) The Mosque and cultural center is planned to be built 2 blocks from Ground Zero.

Cordoba House's proposed location has triggered an intense national controversy. Polls showed that a majority of Americans (a margin of 54%–20%) opposed the building of Cordoba House on that site, as did most people from New York State (61%–26%) and New York City (52%–31%); in Manhattan, 46% supported the project while 36% were opposed[1].

Dear Imam Rauf,

I wholeheartedly support your building the Mosque 2 blocks from Ground Zero. I’m sorry you were not able to find a location even closer so that you would be afforded a better opportunity for Muslims to demonstrate peaceful Islamic values.

However, you should be aware that there is a cost associated with building your Mosque near to what is considered a sacred site, where 3000 people were murdered. To demonstrate your peaceful Islamic values to a world skeptic of these values, Muslims should, in turn, vacate one of there sacred sites.

For Muslims to build their Mosque near Ground Zero they should return The Dome of the Rock, and the ground upon which it stands, to the Jewish people.

If you look at the line of history you will see that the Jews have a longstanding claim to the Temple Mount which is where the First and Second Temples stood. Solomon, King of Israel, who ruled between about 971 – 931 Before Common Era (BCE) is credited with being the builder of the First Temple in Jerusalem. Babylonians attacked and burned the Temple in 586 BCE. Construction of the Second Temple, began in 538 BCE, and was dedicated 23 years later. The Second Temple was destroyed by The Roman army in 70 CE. For over the next 600 years the Temple Mount was not used as a site with any significant religiosity.

Mohammed, from about 570/571 - 632 CE, the founder of the religion of Islam, did not live to see the Dome of the Rock even begin construction. In fact he did not even live to see Jerusalem conquered by the Rashidun Caliphate army in 637 CE. The Dome of the Rock, for those who don’t know, is an Islamic shrine and major landmark located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. It was completed in 691-692, making it the oldest existing Islamic building in the world[2]. Jews prayed on the Temple Mount before there was the Dome, before there was Islam. Jews continue today to pray at the Western Wall, the western retaining wall of the Temple Mount, the one that was closest to the Holy of Holies when the Temple stood.

Therefore my dear Imam, there is no reason for Muslims to keep the Dome of the Rock since Mohammed really had nothing to do with it. After all, isn’t it just another Mosque?



[1] Wikipedia/Cordoba House

[2] Wikipedia/Dome of the Rock